4/17/2017 - Practice Plan

From Lacrosse Plan Drills
Revision as of 17:13, 15 April 2017 by Dave (talk | contribs)
Time Drill
5 Min Active Stretching
10 Min Swing It - Passing Around the Goal

This drill simulates ball movement around the goal to get kids used to a quick passing offense.

  • Use 12 cones and setup, the cones will be placed in pairs
  • Place the first cone in the pair down in the area you want kids to run your set
  • The second cone should be 5 yards away heading towards the out of bounds
  • Setup in a 2-3-1 or a 3-2-1, use only 6 kids at a time, best to keep lines with each other and attack rotating when necessary.
  • Have kids work the ball around the goal, top middies popping out above the box line and adjacents popping out to help
  • If having a crease guy have him constantly facing the ball with stick up
  • Swing the ball around the goal, try not to skip pass
  • Catch, Cradle once or twice, make a quick and accurate pass

10 Min Swing It with Middie Driving to shoot
  • Outside middie drives
  • Middle middie question mark pops out
  • Far middie question mark pops out
  • Original middie runs an arc to the opposite side and shoots
  • Also look for a low attackman on the opposite side
5 Min Water
15 Min Dodge Bounce Redodge


  • Partner up the players
  • Make one line at the midline
  • Have an offensive player with a ball and a defensive player
  • Have the offensive guy make a dodge with the defensive player shadowing via side step, back pedal etc
  • Have the offensive player make a dodge, bounce out to fake a pass, then redodge
  • Defense works on footwork, doesn't try to take the ball away, and looks to lift check while shadowing
  • Repeat 2 or 3 times down the field
  • Switch roles when starting on the opposite side of the field
  • Offense works on split, roll, face, and swim dodges

5 Min Water
15 Min 1 v 1's or 2 on 2's top and bottom
5 Min Water
20 Min Fireball
  • Start with one goal and a goalie.
  • Divide the remaining players into two "teams".
  • Place the teams on opposite sides of the field about 30 yards apart at the restraining line. Use cones to identify where the players should stand.
  • Players should line the field from the mid line to X
  • Give each player on each team a number: 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.
  • Now you're ready to start your game. Call out some numbers: "1,4,5". You can use any combination of numbers to achieve 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, etc.
  • After calling out the numbers roll out a ball and blow the whistle.
  • To gain possession a team must win the ground ball and pass to one of the non active players on the sideline. This is the "ground ball" phase of the drill.
  • Now that you've established an offense (ground ball winner) and defense, the coach makes a pass to the offense. The offensive players must cut to get open. The defense must "mark up" in a man-to-man defense.
  • Now it's just a normal scrimmage. The possession ends with either: (1) a goal, (2) a goalie save, or (3) a defensive clear back to the coach.
  • Keep score to make it competitive for the two "teams".

15 Min 5 Man Clear into 3v2

Teaches clearing the ball and transitions into 3v2

  • Need 5 players and a goalie
  • Setup 3 cones near the midfield line, 2 at the hash marks 1 in the center
  • 2 Players are at the hash mark at GLE, 3 players are on the cones up top.
  • Goalie clears to a GLE side, then pass to hash midfield side, then the middle
  • As soon as the ball is in the middle, the drill turns into 3v2
  • Midfield players play on offense vs 2 defenders
  • Variation: Have the defense clearing redirect it via a 40 yard pass across the field or back to the goalie