
From Lacrosse Plan Drills

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Time Drill
5 Min Active Stretching
  • Bring gloves, swaxlax, small goals
10 Min Shell Drill - Coach Nat St. Laurent

Goal of Drill: The defense is working on their footwork and approach to the ball. You can incorporate your scouting reports into this drill and practice taking away what your opponents want to accomplish.

  • 5 v 4 or 5 v 5
  • two guys down low, guy on crease, two guys up top
  • Move the ball, defense adjusts and returns to the hole, always cover the crease
  • No shooting, if goalie he adjusts

5 Min Goalie 6 Point Shooting with steps
5 Min Weak side On Knees Drill

One of the toughest shots to stop as a goalie is the weak side low shot. In this drill we work on getting our hands quickly to the weak side.

  • Goalie positions self more to the strong side
  • Goalie gets on knees and in ready stance (thumb by eye)
  • Coach sends rapid fire 20 shots to the weakside low
  • Goalie uses only hands to stop the shots

5 Min Defense: 2 ball reaction drill
5 Min Defense Slide, Recovery, Collide Drill

Goal of Drill: Sliding and Recovering. Slide with a good angle, contain the dodger, call away and cover the inside

  • 4 players and a coach in the drill
  • Start with a coach in the middle as a crease player and 2 defensive player in the hole
  • 3 Cones up top to show where they dodge from
  • Line of players at the top, first guy goes without a ball or no stick (to focus on beating his man)
  • 5th guy is playing straight up defense to try and force the guy down the alley or pick a side
  • Inside a guy is the slide man, he is covering the coach, yells "Hot", slides under control, then calls the "away"
  • Cover man holds the coach and then pops up when away comes
  • Rotate to the next position. It goes dodger, defender, slider, cover man

15 Min 6 on 6 - Double Jump

This drill is used to help a kid get rid of the ball when they are double and triple teamed.

  • 12 players are needed for the drill (6 offense, 6 defense)
  • The offense attempts to move the ball around, with adjacent cutting out for help and the rest cutting and returning for the ball the coach calls out a name on defense, and that defenseman doubles the ball.
  • If two numbers are called, then its a triple team
  • The offensive player whose man runs for the double turns and cuts towards the goal for a pass
  • The offensive players closest to the double move towards the ball circling for assistance
  • The offensive player who gets doubled looks up for the cutting player or the adjacent player who is providing him assistance and makes a pass

Note: We may want to have 1 or 2 coaches play defense and provide the double, to kick start the action.

Variation: Have the player with the ball start at the midline and slide to double or triple with the two top defenders.

10 Min Continuous 3 v 2
25 Min 3 V 3 or 2 V 2 Speed Lacrosse