Template:Notre Dame Asterisk Drill

From Lacrosse Plan Drills

Notre Dame Asterisk Drill

A drill to help proper defense footwork muscle memory

  • Build a plus sign with cones, each part of the plus sign is a quadrant
  • Line up the kids in one line and have kids go through each quadrant of the plus sign
  • The kid runs to the middle of the plus sign and uses that as a basis for where his man is
  • The kid then practices sliding, half slides and recover, show and no go
  • Have each kid work in each quadrant for 10-20 seconds
  • After the first kid is done with the first quadrant have him rotate to quadrant 2 and another kid go into quadrant 1
  • On the 4th quadrant roll a ground ball to the kid, have him scoop and return it to the coaches feet