6/13/2024 - Red Devil Silver

From Lacrosse Plan Drills

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Time Drill
5 Min Active Stretching

Cones, Balls, Coaches Bag, Shot Blocker

10 Min Rhythm passing drill
  • Use 5 cones
  • Setup the cones in a box with a middle cone. Off the middle cone we go 6-10 yards out
  • Kids stand on the middle cone, cut towards a cone and receive the pass
  • Catch on the outside, cradle, turn and make the pass

10 Min Saint Drill - Two over the shoulder passes each time a player goes (go all right handed, then all left handed)
  • Start with 4 lines 15-20 yards on each side of the middle of the goal and top of the box
  • Two Goalies in the middle of both lines
  • balls start down low, passes to same side high, passes to the goalie, runs up field catches from goalie over the shoulder

10 Min Continuous 3 v 2
5 Min Shell Drill - Coach Nat St. Laurent

Goal of Drill: The defense is working on their footwork and approach to the ball. You can incorporate your scouting reports into this drill and practice taking away what your opponents want to accomplish.

  • 5 v 4 or 5 v 5
  • two guys down low, guy on crease, two guys up top
  • Move the ball, defense adjusts and returns to the hole, always cover the crease
  • No shooting, if goalie he adjusts

5 Min 1v1 GB/Protection Drills
  • Foot in Cement Stick Protection
  • Butt to Butt Ground Balls
10 Min Stick Protection and Dodging
  • good stick protection neutralizes athletic ability
  • One Hand - ball hand up high get the elbow out wide, stick vertical close to body, figure out how your comfortable with protection, thumb facing down so shoulder is facing up
  • Two Hand - Bottom hand opposite pocket, move the bottom hand across the body
  • Put pressure on the opposition with your eyes
  • Stick protection drill, call out the coaches numbers, goal is to get comfortable with the ball, so you feel not see your man
  • Drill: Running back quarter back drill: Start behind the goal, run 45 degree angles (Z drill), dodging forward being in a running back posture, as you hit the 45 degree angle, pop up to quarterback position. You roll dodge, Head/Body/Hands - Plant move that head around, move that body, then roll your hands
  • Drill: Z carry in a sprint across the field, practice stick protection while running

5 Min Offense plays - 32 - 53 - 21