Template:Ground Ball - 3-Man Box Drill

From Lacrosse Plan Drills
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Ground Ball - 3-Man Box Drill


Depending on the number of players and coaches, this drill can be run concurrently at least two places on the field or as a station. The 'box' is 15 yards wide, 20 yards long, outlined with cones. This is a quick drill designed to do the following:

  1. Have the players locate the loose ball
  2. Battle 1v1 for the ground ball
  3. Immediately go to 1v1 offense and defense
  4. Look up and quickly move the ball

There are three players in the drill. Players 2 and 3 start at the two top cones facing outside into the box. Their backs are turned away from the ball, which is rolled out gently into the box by Player 1. The concept is that the entire ground ball and 1v1 portion of the drill take place in the box defined by the cones. Players 2 and 3 have to locate the ground ball and battle for possession. Player 1, who initially rolled out the ball, turns and has to run 10 yards and then return close to the line or his starting point.

Once a player has possession, it becomes a one-on-one offense and defense drill, all in the defined box. When Player 1 begins to return close to the starting point, he calls for a pass from the player with possession. If the ground ball is picked up quickly, and Player 1 has not yet run all the way around a cone 10 yards away, the offensive player with the ball must dodge or get free to make the pass. Player 2 or 3 gets possession, dodges, and looks up to return a quick pass to Player 1 returning on the run to catch. It is game-realistic and fun.

And immediately the next three are up, and we go again. Each rep should be under 10 seconds, so we can have a lot of repetitions and touches.